Yonghoo Son (손영후), a 1st-year undergraduate student, joined the BNML. Warm welcome to him.
Dohyun Park, BNML's undergraduate student, is graduating with a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering and got a job in LS Electric.
Team BNML (Yeji, Dohyun, Seungmin, and Minjoon) received the 2nd prize in the Creativity Competition of KSPE (Korean Societry of Precision Engineering) on November 15th in Gyeongju.
BNML (Yeji and Seungmin) presents two oral presentation at 2024 KSME Fall Conference, Jeu.
BNML receives 2-year TIPS (Tech Incubator Program For Startup) grant from Ministry of Small Buseiness and Startups. The BNML will work with a start-up company LTIS/
BNML is presenting two papers on MicroTAS 2024 conference at Montreal, Canada: "FLUIDICS-FREE GEL-GRID DIGITAL PCR" by Dr. Pullagura and coauthors and "ROBUST ACOUSTOFLUIDIC MICROMIXER BASED ON AN ULTRATHIN PDMS MICROBALLOON OSCILLATOR" by Yeji and coauthors.
Yeji and Dohyun receives an award from 2024 Nano Young Challenge with their research titled "나노벌룬 공압구동기 어레이를 이용한 고성능 고신뢰성 음향유동 미세교반기 연구".
Seungmin is elected as a member of YEHS (Young Engineer Honor Society) at NAKE (The National Academy of Engineering of Korea).
Minjun Jeon (전민준), a 2nd-year undergraduate student, joined the BNML. Warm welcome to him.
Dr. Akhtar receives a best poster award in the BioChip 2024 Spring Conference with the paper titled "UV laser-based light-sheet photolithography system for the gel-grid-based digital assays".
BNML present five posters in the BioChip 2024 Spring Conference: "Fluidics-free digital PCR based on microphotopartitioning", "UV laser-based light-sheet photolithography system for the gel-grid-based digital assays", "UV-adhesive-assisted hybrid bonding of a 3D-printed microfluidic chip and PMMA coverslip", "Design and operation optimization of a 3D-printed sharp-edge micromixer using streaming analysis", and "Robust acousto-fluidic micromixer based on a PDMS microballoon actuator".
Yeji, a master's student in the BNML, receives a prestigious Master's Student Scholarship Award from National Research Foundation.
Yeji(양예지) started her Master's study in the BNML.
Undergraduate researchers, Yeji Yang(양예지), Boseok Heo(허보석), and Jintae Kim(김진태), are graduated with their B.S. degrees. Best wishes for their professional endeavor ahead.
The paper titled "Numerical-simulation-based Buffer Design for Microchip Electrophoresis with Capacitively Coupled Contactless Conductivity Detection" was just published in the BioChip Journal.